
Invitation to the Annual Meeting 2019

of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit im Gesundheitswesen (InZIG) e.V. in Berlin.

Dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen

We are delighted to invite you to the annual meeting of the InZIG e.V. on the 11th of May 2019, from 10:00 to 16:00, in Berlin at "THE LAB", Schumannstrasse 7b, 10117 Berlin-Mitte. This conference is interesting for you if:

  • you would like to contribute to improving interprofessional work in the healthcare sector in clinical, pharmacist or medical everyday practice;
  • you want to understand better why interprofessionalism is important and wish to derive important impulses for your daily work from it;
  • and if you want to exchange ideas with dedicated colleagues and spend an inspiring day.

We promise that every minute of your time will be worth it.

Note to our members: Before the annual meeting our general meeting takes place from 8:30 to 10:00 am.

Programme for Saturday, 11th May 2019

10:00 Welcome and introduction
Dr Anna Laven, Chairwoman InZIG e.V.
10:15 AMTS (safe medical treatment) as an interprofessional task
Prof. Dr Ulrich Jaehde, Pharmaceutical Institute, Clinical Pharmacy, University of Bonn
10:45 AMTS from the viewpoint of the licensing authority
Dr Claudia Kayser, Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices
11:15 This is how AMTS and adherence correlate
PD Dr Isabelle Arnet, Pharmaceutical Care Research Group, University of Basel
11:45 Digital interprofessional communication - This is how it can be done
Hanswerner Voss, GCN-Healthnet, Landshut
12:15 What does the patient really want?
Hannelore Loskill, Chairwoman BAG SELBSTHILFE e.V., APS Board Member
12:45 Business Lunch
Afternoon "practice"
13:30 The difference between theory and practice
Dr Anna Laven, Chairwoman InZIG e.V.
14:15 Awarding of the winners Doctor - Pharmacist Cooperation
and presentation of the projects

Ulrike Katzfey, Board Member InZIG e.V.
15:00 Panel discussion:
How can healthcare professionals be supported better in order to work interprofessionally? What role can the patient play in this?
16:00 End of the meeting

We are looking forward to welcome you soon in Berlin and have fruitful discussions.

Please use the attached form to register.

Kind regards,
Dr Anna Laven, pharmacist
Dr Petra Sandow, general practitioner
Ulrike Katzfey, pharmacist

However, the general meeting is scheduled on the 11th of May from 8:30 to 10:00.


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Become a member of IP-HEALTH:

  • Are you looking for opportunities for interprofessional collaboration?
  • Do you want to design and adapt the existing therapy options for your patients together with your colleagues?
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